Hello membership,
This is an informational email for all that attended our fabulous Eomspa Info. Day last weekend ….and also for those that missed that great event. When we organized the Info. Day our executive committee wasn’t too sure about the what, the when and the how of the Info. Day. Being rusty for not really having such an event for two years in a row, we were not sure about what to include for the presentation’s content. New comers to the industry was our vision, and wow, mixed in with quality presenters this was a very interesting learning-networking day.
Some stats for that day:
There were 51 people total who showed up, this is a good number for Eastern,
6 people from Boise-Est group,
6 people got to know about the Info. day through social media,
Most people got to know of our event via the membership invitation email, and
One of the attendees was from North Bay.
We were able to elect our executive committee, an empty seat remains for the vice president position. Do not hesitate to come forward if you ever have any nominations or aspirations to fill in this position.
We were very pleased with all presenters. Thumbs up to Sandroad sugar shack for an excellent lunch as usual. We also had our usual vendors (resellers, equipment dealers), newcomer to the industry for our local H20. Hoping this was a good day for them, I wanted to clear up on one point. We had an excellent presentation on pipeline installation for starters. I wanted to pass the message that all of the vendors have an excellent pipeline installation services. So do not hesitate to contact any of them for more information. A big thank you to our vendors for showing up and most important, it was good to see younger generation assisting (Maxim, James and Nick…hoping to see you folks at our next seminar-Info. Day).
Also new for this year some students assistance from our local Tagwi school. Thanks to Craig Stevenson who helped out with this initiative. Hoping we can foster this gesture for next year, great way to entice maple syrup production to our upcoming youth. Thumbs up Craig.
I cannot go on and on, so for everybody else who assisted a big thank you.
Now the good stuff. Please find included some presentation slides.
Also not to forget our two upcoming courses. Do not hesitate to post on social media please. We really need to spread the news about learning good maple syrup practices.
Feb 5th – beginners seminar
Contact and registration is Richard Mcmillan at r.j.mcmillan1955@gmail.com .
Feb 6th – Maple judging seminar
Contact and registration is Anne Zoeller at afzoeller@gmail.com .
Hoping we did not miss any thank you notes.
Merci, many thanks,
Jules Rochon