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South Western Information Day Agenda



Community Bible Church, 100 Meadow Creek Drive, Ilderton Ontario

January 8 2025

9:00 am           - Registration

                        - Dealer Displays

9:30 am           - Welcome

                        - Adoption of Agenda

                        - Minutes of 2024 Meeting

                        - Financial Report

                        - Resolutions, adoption of Local Committee Terms of


9:50 am           - OMSPA Update

                        - Summer Tour 2024/25

10:10am          - OMAFRA update

10:30 am         - Bill Hubbert

                        Over view of Hubberts Maple, woodlot layout to finished

                         product and marketing        


11:15 am         - Ontario Maple Install    Mike Gagnier

11:30 am         - Sap Master Spile Trial     Jamie Biss        

11:45 am         - Dealer presentations 

12:00pm          - Lunch & Dealer Displays

                           Bourbon Barrel maple syrup tasting

1:00pm            - Neil Cruise

                         Tapping tips and leak management

                         Monitoring systems                                                                      

2:00 pm          Election of directors from the floor and nomination committee


South Western Directors 2023

Arthur Cohen, Chad Jakeman, Amy Shaidle, Joel Robson, Bill Vandenberg, Nelson McLachlan, Reid Crinklaw


2:15 pm           Producer Profile presentation of maple operation

3:15 pm           Open discussion on syrup marketing / pricing



Upcoming South Western events

January 25

Maple syrup judging school

Location is Fortrose Maple Company

27382 Coldstream Rd


Proper use of testing and grading equipment, tasting good samples, poor sample and determining off flavors and causes of off flavors.

Each participant is to bring a 250 ml kent bottle of maple syrup with no label or markings to be judged by group.

At the end of the day each participant will be given a certificate for completing the workshop. This will qualify you to judge at local fairs and competitions, but most of all the experience of tasting 20 – 25 other sample of syrup.

Open to anyone with an interest in maple syrup production, Back yarders to commercial operations.

Cost is $50.00 including Lunch

Email or call / text 519-318-1260 to register.


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