The eleven working groups gathering information for the 2023/28 OMSPA Strategic Plan began rolling in the fall of 2021. An important part of the information gathering is the consultation with members through a member survey by the Engaging Members and Non-members working group. The goal of the working group is to put forward recommendations on what initiatives of OMSPA meet member needs, what initiatives need to be improved and what members would like to see OMSPA consider advancing in the future.
The 2022 Member Survey is now here. Your participation is needed.
Q & A about the Member Survey
Who can complete the survey?
The survey is open to all members of OMSPA in good standing. We do ask that the survey only be completed once per membership.
Is the survey anonymous?
Yes. There is an opportunity to provide a name and contact email but this is optional.
How long will the survey take to complete?
If you take your time you can expect to the survey to take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Can I do the survey later?
Yes, the survey will be available online until Feb 28
What is asked on the survey?
The survey will ask you why you belong to OMSPA, what benefits of OMSPA are important to you, how you think OMSPA is doing in providing those benefits, what you think OMSPA should be doing that will help your maple operation and finally some general questions so we can understand you and your operation.
Must I do the survey online?
Online is the easiest way to complete the survey but you can also download either the English or French language surveys from and return by mail. Also for members that OMSPA does not have an email address for, a copy of the Survey will be mailed to them.
Who will see the results of the survey?
The results of the survey, plus recommendations put forward by the Engaging Members and Non-members working group, will be available online and summarized in a future Mainline.
Will there still be the annual production survey?
Yes. The production survey is an important for all producers and is not replaced by this member survey.
Further questions can be sent to the Engaging Members and Non-members working group leader, Bob Snider at .
Paper versions of the 2022 Member Survey that can be printed and mailed are available English here and French here.
Your participation will help OMSPA succeed for all producers.