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New Local

Learn About this Local

This Local includes the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, and the Township of Cumberland in the amalgamated City of Ottawa.

2023 Events in this Local

March 5, 2021 - COMPLETED

First Tapping Ceremony

Cérémonie d`entaillages

Present : SDG MPP and MP, 

Mayors of South Dundas and South Stormont

On the Bend sugar shack,4107 County Road 11, Chesterville, ON


CHEO Teddy Bear Picnic







September 2021

Omspa maple Judging Workshop - Juger le sirop

Open for registration to

To be determined later if event is on.

Labour Day Weekend, 2021 - CANCELLED


Foire du bois - Riceville Woodfair


Eastern Russell - August-September 2021


Foire scientifique - Science Fair



Eastern local - 1st Oct Weekend 2021

L'Amour de l'érable en couleur

Fall maple tour in colour

To be determined later if event is on.

Sandroad sugar shack - Nov 20th 2021

Info Day and AGM

To be determined later if event is on as a physical event or virtual event.

Visit our News Archive for photos from past events.
Meet Your Local Representatives

Local Executives and Board Representatives


Frank Heerkens – President (Provincial Board President)

Jules Rochon – Vice President (Provincial Board 2nd Vice President)
Bryan Exley – Past President (CHEO contact person)
Ozwald Linton – Director – CHEO physical ground organizer
Angela Coleman – Director (meeting host organizer, info day hostess)
Pam French – Director – auction fund raising organizer
Richard Mcmillan – Director - Russel Fair organizer
Sheri Gallinger – Director - meeting organizer
Gary Gallinger – Director - Treasurer
Fay Gallinger – Director - Treasurer and Maple Weekend assistant
Claude Castonguay – Directeur (francophone ambassador)

Anne Zoeller (Director - Maple weekend organizor)

Contact this Local

Frank Heerkens




Jules Rochon


Bryan Exley

Neil Young



Axl Rose

Past President


Mick Jagger

Web Journalist 1

Vice President


Celine Dion

Web Journalist 2

Neil Young


Axl Rose

Past President

Mick Jagger

Web Journalist 1

Vice President

Celine Dion

Web Journalist 2

Neil Young



Axl Rose

Past President


Mick Jagger

Web Journalist 1

Vice President


Celine Dion

Web Journalist 2

Neil Young



Axl Rose

Past President


Mick Jagger

Web Journalist 1

Vice President


Celine Dion

Web Journalist 2

Spotlight on a Local Producer









Cecil Cass - 75 Years of Sugaring and still going strong


Just ask Cecil Cass how many years he’s been boiling and he will be proud to tell you with that big grin of his:  “75 years and still going!”  Imagine, Cecil has been personally making maple syrup for over three quarters of a century.  Starting as a young boy he helped out his father after school and on the weekends during the Second World War years but maple has actually been made on the farm since the Cass family first immigrated to Canada back in 1798, a short 15 years after the end of the American Revolution.  The farm name, ‘Cassbrae’ was chosen for the property in 1958 after their own family name and is a Scottish term for “hillside along a river” – which is a perfect designation for this remarkable farm standing up hill on Cassburn Road and overlooking the Ottawa River.  The farm now spans seven generations and 1000 acres and celebrated its bicentennial in 1998.  Through many hardships, even the year of the devastating ice storm in Eastern Ontario & Quebec the Cassbrae farm continued to provide quality maple syrup. 


Not one to shy away from new maple technology Cecil was the first to embrace developments like oil fired evaporators and reverse osmosis to cut the amount of labour involved.  In both cases he was the first within the region to own and operate each new technology and has recently upgraded to a new high concentrate RO.  He fully admits that had the new high efficiency wood evaporators been invented years ago he would have skipped right over oil to wood fired gasification.  His first pipeline was installed about 20 years ago but was ravaged by squirrels the first few years well beyond the damage levels caused to today’s type of tubing.  The Ice storm of 1998 destroyed most of his tubing installation and severely damaged the maple forest but in those days lime was allowed to be spread by airplane and Cecil had already had his bush limed at the same time as his neighbouring agricultural fields.  After the ice storm his bush filled with new maple growth setting him ahead of the curve on regeneration.  Nowadays the farm is running about 3300 taps with 1200 of them still on buckets due to the nature of the bush most sales are farm gate with some bulk to local producers and a family member selling in the nearby City of Ottawa.  Cecil is helped by three other family members during the maple season along with a few local part time young people as needed. 


As one of the original members of the Eastern Ontario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association (one of eleven chapters within the Ontario Producers Association), Cecil has been president of the Local three times in the past five decades and is still an active member of the board of directors some 50+ years later in addition to continuing to serve on a half dozen other agriculturally based boards.  As Cecil says, “It’s a changing times in agriculture and I always like change.  There are many new technologies coming out in maple these days making things better, faster, or more cost effective”.  Toughest time was just after the war bottling in old wine bottles and 5 or 10 gallon cans after food rations had finally been lifted.  We used to seal the bottles with wax and seems no one got sick and the syrup kept alright”.  Cecil still has those food ration coupons from the mid-forties for sugar. For those don’t know many main food staples were rationed in Canada between 1942 and 1947 in an effort to support the troops and European civilians during, and for a time after, the Second World War and sugar was one of the first to be rationed due to its use in shells and bombs.  Even maple syrup was rationed at one point but most farms had their own stash down in the root cellar.  “In the early years it was hard times with a tremendous amount of snow to get through.  Often the horses had to be taken off the sleigh and walked through the snow just to make a trail to pull the sleigh because the snow was too deep.  Syrup prices were so low then too.  Those were hard times.”  Asked if he will ever retire he simply responds “All depends on our health.  You never know.  Things can change quick.  I always believed in working with people and working for people. That got me a long piece.  I am always quiet and would never scrap with them.  You got to give in a little bit.”  From war times, to ice storms, combatting nuisance squirrels and now a pandemic, Cecil has managed to endure it all and still keep grinning.


In 2013 Cecil and his family were honoured by the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association at their annual Sumer Tour by being presented the Ontario Maple Syrup Award.  The Eastern Local of the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association is proud to shine this quarters’ Spotlight on Producer  on Cecil and his family.  We tip our hats and thank him for this ongoing support and service to our group spanning over 50 years and we wish him many more years of sugaring to come!



Cecil Cass - 75 ans de sirop et toujours aussi fort


Demandez simplement à Cecil Cass combien d’années qu’il fait bouillir et il sera fier de vous dire avec son grand sourire: `75 ans et ça continue!` Imaginez vous, Cecil produit lui même du sirop d'érable depuis plus de trois quarts d’un siècle. Dès son enfance, il a aidé son père après l'école et les fins de semaine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, mais le sirop a été fabriqué à la ferme depuis que la famille Cass a immigré au Canada pour la première fois en 1798, 15 ans après la fin de la Révolution américaine. Le nom de la ferme, «Cassbrae» a été choisi pour la propriété en 1958 après leur propre nom de famille et est un terme écossais pour «flanc de coteau le long d'une rivière» - qui est une désignation parfaite pour cette ferme remarquable située sur une colline sur Cassburn Road qui surplombe la Rivière des Outaouais. La ferme de 1000 acres s'étend maintenant sur sept générations et a célébré son bicentenaire en 1998. Malgré de nombreuses épreuves, même l'année de la tempête de verglas dévastatrice dans l'Est de l'Ontario et du Québec, la ferme Cassbrae a continué à fournir du sirop d'érable de qualité.


Pas du genre à craindre les nouvelles technologie d’acériculture Cecil a été le premier à adopter des développements tels que les évaporateurs au mazout et l'osmose inverse pour réduire la quantité de travail nécessaire. Dans les deux cas, il a été le premier de la région à posséder et à exploiter chaque nouvelle technologie et a récemment améliorer vers un nouveau RO à haute concentration. Il admet pleinement que si les nouveaux évaporateurs à bois à haut rendement avaient été inventés il y a des années, il aurait sauté du mazout à la gazéification au bois. Sa premiere tubulures a été installé il y a environ 20 ans, mais a été ravagé par des écureuils les premières années bien au-delà des niveaux de dommages causés au type de tube actuel. La tempête de verglas de 1998 a détruit la majeure partie de son installation de tubes et gravement endommagé la forêt d'érables. Mais à cette époque, la chaux a été autorisée à répandre par avion et Cecil avait déjà fait chauler son buisson en même temps que ses champs agricoles voisins. Après la tempête de verglas, son buisson s'est rempli de nouvelles pousses d'érable, lui donnant une longueur d'avance sur la régénération. De nos jours, la ferme exploite environ 3300 entailles, dont 1200 sont toujours sur des seaux en raison de la nature de la brousse. La plupart des ventes se font à la ferme, avec un peu de vrac aux producteurs locaux et à un membre de la famille qui vend dans la ville voisine d'Ottawa. Cecil est aidé par trois autres membres de la famille pendant la saison de l'érable ainsi que par quelques jeunes de la région à temps partiel au besoin.



En tant que l'un des premiers membres de l'Association des producteurs de sirop d'érable de l'Est de l'Ontario (l'un des onze chapitres de l'Association des producteurs de l'Ontario), Cecil a été président de la section locale trois fois au cours des cinq dernières décennies et est toujours un membre actif du conseil d'administration plus de 50 ans plus tard, ceci en plus de continuer à siéger à une demi-douzaine d'autres conseils en agriculture. Comme le dit Cecil, ‘Les temps changent dans l’agriculture et j’aime toujours le changement. De nos jours, de nombreuses nouvelles technologies sortent de l'acériculture, ce qui rend les choses meilleures, plus rapides ou plus rentables ‘. La période la plus difficile a été juste après la guerre, la mise en bouteille dans de vieilles bouteilles de vin et des canettes de 5 ou 10 gallons après que les rations alimentaires aient finalement été levées. Nous avions l'habitude de sceller les bouteilles avec de la cire et il semble que personne ne soit tombé malade et que le sirop se conservait bien’. Cecil a toujours ces bons de rationnement alimentaire du milieu des années quarante pour le sucre. Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, de nombreux aliments de base ont été rationnés au Canada entre 1942 et 1947 dans le but de soutenir les troupes et les civils européens durant la guerre et pendant un certain temps après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le sucre a été l'un des premiers à être rationné en raison de son utilisation dans la fabrication des obus et des bombes. Même le sirop d'érable était rationné à un moment donné, mais la plupart des fermes avaient leur propre réserve dans la cave froide. ‘Lors des premières années, c'était une période difficile avec une énorme quantité de neige à traverser. Souvent, les chevaux devaient être enlevés du traîneau et marcher dans la neige juste pour faire un sentier afin de faciliter de tirer le traîneau parce que la neige était trop profonde. Les prix du sirop étaient alors très bas. C'étaient des moments difficiles’. Lorsqu'on lui a demandé s'il prendrait sa retraite un jour, il nous as répond simplement: «Tout dépend de notre santé. On ne sait jamais. Les choses peuvent changer rapidement. J'ai toujours cru qu'il fallait travailler avec les gens et travailler pour les gens. Ceci a toujours été avantageux. Je suis toujours calme et je ne ferais jamais de mal a personnes. Vous devez céder un peu’. Des temps de guerre aux tempêtes de verglas, en combattant les écureuils nuisibles et maintenant une pandémie, Cecil a réussi à tout endurer et à continuer à sourire.


En 2013, Cecil et sa famille ont été honorés par l’association des acériculteurs de l’Ontario lors de leur tournée estival annuelle en recevant le prix Ontario Maple Syrup Award. La section locale de l’Est est fière de braquer les projecteurs de ce trimestre sur le producteur sur Cecil et sa famille. Nous lançons nos chapeaux et le remercions pour ce soutien et ce service continus à notre groupe depuis plus de 50 ans et nous lui souhaitons de nombreuses années sucrée à venir!



New Sale

Smoky Lake 0 to 50 degree dial thermometer.  3” dial with 7” probe.  Brand new in box.  Can pick up in Dunvegan evenings / weekends or on Preston Street in Ottawa work days.  Contact Bryan –  $25.00

New Sale

Propane tank adapter.  Connect typical BBQ style fitting to a 100 pound propane tank to reduce fill ups and freezing.  Can pick up in Dunvegan evenings / weekends or on Preston Street in Ottawa work days.  Contact Bryan –  $25.00

New Sale

300 gal imp SS milk bulk tank for sale.  Asking $800. Call Jules Rochon

at 613-446-5670 or email:


Local Classifieds

Send your classifieds to Jules @ or Teressa @ 

Visit our News Archive for past event photos and news stories.



                              For more information contact  Anne Zoeller at


New event is back on for 2021: 


Fall in Love with Maple (L'amour de l'éable en couleur) -  fall colored tour for the first weekend of October. Please contact  Anne Zoeller at for more information.


First tapping Event (COMPLETED):


Hosted at “Onthebend Sugarshack”. See video posted on our Instagram account.


Summer Virtual Tour:


                            Dates:  July 20, 21, 22,, 2021 @ 7:00 pm each evening

Proposed Early Agenda suggests:  


    Producer Highlight

    Supplier Presentation

   Prestation Host

        (and more)







Meeting minutes EOMSPA for April 27 2021

Present:Claude, Angela, Richard, Frank, Teressa, Anne, Sherri, Garry, Fay, Jules, Bryan and Pam.

   Appetizer section – discussing what a great season we had!  

1. Minutes taking for tonight

a. Claude volunteered but internet connection failed, Sherri completed.

2. New business to be added to agenda – all

a. Agricom AAFO article discussion

b. Angela reporting ocdsb

c. Richard to report on urban botanist

3. Review of last minutes – Frank and Sherri

a. Reviewed last minutes-no action items.

b. Angela approved and second by jules.

4.      Web update – JR and TD

a.      New producer of the month…Cecil and Gary Yvan.

We have Bryan as a spare article. Our next is Craig Stevenson from ucdsb.

b. Domain transfer – completed

c. 1st event tapping event – on utube – action to ask Jwilliams for video location so we can add to our web page.

d. Discussion about creating our own utube space.

5.      Finances report – GG

Same as last time no changes

6.      Provincial reporting – Frank and Jules.

a. Executive meeting May 3rd. 2.5 hour meeting.  

b.  Algonquin college memorandum of understanding issued at next e-line to create possibilities with research and a college credit with maple syrup.

7.      Potential upcoming events – all

a. Bryan to touch base with Cheo folks to get an update from them.

b. Summer tour virtual will know more for next meeting.


8.      Maple weekend and fall tour update – AZ (or Fay if Anne can’t join us) 

a. SDG $1,500 grant for fall tour. Could use this money towards backup of festival grant…not sure yet.

b. Frank reported the following initiative…Frank to elaborate at our next meeting.

Lanark and Eastern have joined for a festival grant through north grenville, 6-10k for the fall in love with maple “trail”  meeting on Thursday about it. Timelines for who will join, mid may to join. Sept 25th to Oct. 3rd. 

c. Mapleweekend event fees have been rolled over to 2022, any members who want re-imbursement to contact Anne.

9.      Membership reporting – FH

a. 555 members for province 68-70 locally. Frank, Jules, Richard and Gary to call the 10 who haven’t renewed to see if they will renew.

b. Frank mentioned recurring and automatic billing is completed.

10.   Bilingualism and Omspa

a. A motion was passed to ask OMSPA to include bilingual documentation when possible. Executive Meeting May 3rd 2021 to discuss.

b. Angela to come in during May3 provincial exec meeting to discuss. Motion to pass on this decision.

c. As a result of these discussion, two new alternates decided to join at the provincial board bi-monthly meetings. Anne and Bryan will join, one as director and other as alternate.

10.   New Business Arising

a. Agricom article mentioned about bad syrup season.

b. Angela discussed about OCDSB video efforts in March. Angela to send link for those video clips so we can include on our web page.

c. Richard had left and we could not discuss about urban botanist video-interview.

11.   Next meeting ? May 31 2021 7pm.



Membership renewal for 2021.

        Please note that it will be difficult to physically renew your membership because there is no physical in person info day this year. Therefore this leaves us with some other options. Note that you now can renew for up to 2 years! If you know of someone who wants to join, please pass on the info:


1.      You can renew online at the site:


2.      You can also call our executive director John Williams who will be more than happy to help out. 


          Email at : or call at : 613-258-2294


3.      You can call one of our EOMSPA Directors from our web page for assistance:





Local News

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©2019 by Ontario Maple Syrup Producers' Association. web and graphic design: YesYesYes Design

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